Welcome to Team 5413's Programming Resources Page!
This page's aim is to get new students who are interested in programming from zero to programming robots as quickly as possible.
Discalimer: This webpage is still under development
Chapter 1: The Basics of Code
In this chapter, we'll go through what code fundamentally is, it's basic building blocks, and how you can
use it to make technology obey your every command.
Whats In The Box?
If you want to do more than
print your name in a text window, your gonna want to enlist
the help of variables.  In simple terms, variables are refrences
that contain some information such as "Joe has superpowers".  The reason
they're called variables is because their value can be changed, hence, they vary.
Here's a good video to help you visualize variables.
1 V "1"
Code creates and manipulates data in order to
accomplish tasks.  This "data" comes in various formats and sizes.  One type of data might be
more optimal than another depending on the scenario.  It's crucal to understand
the different types of data because they all play by different rules.
This video gives a breif explanation about common data types and how
they interact in certain scenarios.
To Do, Or Not To Do?
This is arguably the most important concept in code.  "If Statements" allow
your code to effectively make desicions based on different conditions.  Is it sunny out?  Then extend
the solar pannel to charge.  Is it stormy out?  Then, take cover and go into low power mode to save battery.
Get a look at this video that covers If Statements.
Round and Round and Round and Round and Round and Round and...
In programming, a loop is a structure that repeats
a sequence of code, but only while a certain condition is true.  It's kind of like an if statement.  The
loop breaks if the condition becomes false, which causes the program to move on.
Take a look at this video on the two most common loops.
Machine Shop In A Box
A function put simplily, is a block of code that
can be reused in a program.  Functions typically perform a specific task.  They help organize
and make your code more modular.
Check out this video that explains functions using the C programming language.
Let's Get Your Feet Wet
It's about time you get those cheetos fingers on that keyboard now that you've been exposed to
some of the building blocks in code.  We encourage you to follow along with this video and get creative with the code concepts your reviewing.
Now that you've got a good understanding of some of the fundamental building blocks of code,
It's time to start moving into the Java programming language.